Thursday, April 13, 2017

Weekly Takeaways #14

Weekly Takeaways #14

  1. Deep and Dark Web: websites which are not able to be indexed, cannot be accessed without a certain browser and URL.
    1. Guarded with encryption
    2. Anonymous use
    3. Also holds databases requiring login to access (restricted access)
  2. Dark Web: same type as Deep Web, but generally associated with ‘dark’ or illegal activities
    1. Deep web is broader, includes all content not accessible to search engines
  3. Tor: allows you to browse anonymously, difficult to track
  4. Virtual Currency: not regulated
    1. Peer-to-peer transactions
    2. Doesn’t protect against fraud or ability to get money back
    3. Subject to taxes
  5. Bitcoin: most popular form of virtual currency
    1. Not linked to identity
    2. Can only be accessed with password and two-factor authentication
    3. Used for illicit purposes as well as by regular businesses or investment
  6. Questions to consider:
    1. Should virtual currency such as Bitcoin be regulated?
      1. How would it be regulated?
    2. Should accessing/using the Dark Web be illegal?
      1. Line between intention and attempt. At what point should Dark Web use be criminalized?

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