On Monday, a discussion on ephemeral messaging took place, where several benefits of this type of service were brought to attention, which included the following:
- Gives a sender greater control over who sees a message
- Increases the level of privacy
- Increases security of information
- Greater convenience
- Provides for spontaneity
However, it was noted that these apps are not created equal in terms of privacy.
Wednesday's class was all about detailing levels of privacy protection. There were three types of protections: strong, for normal people; stronger, for geeks; and super strong, for tin foil hat types.
The strong protections included:
- Password hygiene: Password-protecting all of one's devices with complex, 8-12-character passwords, using separate passwords for each online account, and not settling for default security questions.
- Authentication: Using two-factor authentication and biometric ID for accounts and devices
- Self-censorship and Restraint: Using cash to pay for embarrassing items, using the delete button liberally, "liking" fewer things on social media to make one's online profile less complete, and decreasing one's digital footprint
- Caution with Social Media and Apps: Turning off geotagging when posting photos and status updates, remembering that some personal details simply should not be shared on Facebook, using sound judgement when posting photos, signing out when through viewing or posting, changing Facebook privacy settings to "friends only," checking permissions when downloading an app, possibly skipping or monitoring automatic replies, and periodically reviewing apps and deleting those that are not used
Stronger included:
- Encrypting hard drives
- No use of unencrypted cloud services
- Keeping malware and virus protection software up-to-date
- Using a VPN
- Properly wiping phones and computers when disposing
- Confidential Communications: Encrypting phone communications, using ephemeral messaging apps, and avoiding free public networks or wi-fi
- Web Browsing: Clearing browser history and cookies on a regular basis, using a browser that does not track, using an IP tracker, installing plugins to avoid tracking, and using a disposable/temporary e-mail address
The Super Strong category consisted of some fairly wacky ideas, including:
- Keeping one's phone in a Faraday Cage when not making calls
- Covering all inner-facing cameras on any Internet-connected devices
- Plugging headphones when not listening to music
- Wearing "unhackable" fashion, such as a drone cloak or plane laptop sock
With all of these possible protections, one can therefore come to the conclusion that privacy cannot be completely dead. It will just take a little bit of extra effort to maintain.
Ngoài 4 lớp chính thì cấu tạo Sàn gỗ nhập khẩu cao cấp còn có hệ thống hèm khóa. Tất cả các loại sàn gỗ công nghiệp đều có sử dụng hèm khóa ở cạnh để thuận tiện cho việc lắp đặt và tháo dỡ sàn gỗ. Bạn có thể lắp đặt sàn gỗ mà không cần dùng đến keo.